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Contribution to in Domácí hospic Athelas, Pisek, Czech Republic

For the past year, communities around us have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the most heartwrenching news is that patients are separated from their loved ones during this relentless pandemic.

Domácí hospic Athelas is a health and social services non-profit organization in Pisek, Czech Republic. This hospice houses about 120 terminally ill patients. Due to the pandemic, the patients are separated from their loved ones and they only have the companionship of the hospice caregivers as they walk their final journey.

Interplex is grateful that we can make a small difference during this difficult time. We hope our humble contribution can help create a more comfortable and pleasant environment for the patients in their final moments.

Interplex sends our deepest regards to all COVID-19 patients and individuals affected by the pandemic.

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